
Cheats/hacks of any kind (such as X-ray) are disallowed. Knowingly exploiting a bug will result in a ban. If you wish to advertise anything unrelated to the server, contact a staff member first. NSFW, discriminatory content, and flaming is disallowed. If you must argue with someone, do it privately. Try not to spam or overuse capslock, and try not to break up messages onto multiple lines. Try not to enforce rules yourself; notify a staff member if there's an issue. Keep global chat English only. We can't moderate messages in other languages. No griefing or stealing, including unclaimed areas. PVP is disabled by default. You are responsible for the consequences of enabling it. Bedrock breaking is allowed. TNT duping is allowed, but duping any other item is not. Autoclickers and macros are allowed, but auto-building (eg: schematica's printer mode) is not. Use common sense!

There will be loopholes in these rules, and we reserve the right to decide what counts as a rule break. It's up to you to think for a moment before doing something that potentially breaks the rules. If you're unsure, contact a staff member, and we'll be happy to help.